An evening sunset showing the dunes in the foreground and the sand bars between shallow pools reflecting the sky.
Julie will demonstrate how to approach skies and sea in watercolour using a variety of techniques to include wet on wet, wet on dry and dry grazing.
Transparent yellow
Scarlet Lake
Permanent rose
Ultramarine blue
Winsor blue(green shade)
Burnt Sienna
B pencil
Size 14-16 round or 15-20mm flat for larger washes
Size 4, 6 or 8 for detailing and grazing
Watercolour paper:
Size optional 140lb NOT (a slight texture)
To keep the watercolour paper taut you may wish to pre-stretch the paper (see How to stretch paper video)
Paper towel
To retain the wetness of the paper when painting wet on wet skies and sea, paint quite quickly and swiftly.
If the paint starts to dry leave it to dry completely and re wet before applying further wet on wet washes.
Try a 5 minute sky everyday!